as white as a dove

love, in all His perfection

obligatory come to Jesus post because truly He is our savior.

I’ve been beating myself up a lot lately. I still get so caught up in my past, I still feel too scared to look at the future, and I can’t move in the present. It’s like I’m slowly backing towards a cliff and I have no plans if there isn’t a cushion to break my fall.

I’ve been reading Genesis lately. I want to know more about our God, so I’m going through the start. I learned of Adam and Eve, now Noah, and now Abraham and Sarah. It’s beautiful and funny to see the ups and downs of the Bible. Our story is so riddled with mistakes, sin, evil, but also love, hope, happiness.

I would never feel hurt if I didn’t love or care. I would never have become a better person if I was a worse version of myself before. The Lord knows everything about me, and yet he still loves me. Why would He? It moves me to tears sometimes. Dying to cleanse me of every evil I’ve done, I could never repay Him. It’s awful and it’s beautiful at the same time.

The best I could ever do is to be loyal to Him. I may not always be perfect, I may not always be true. But I want to be more like Him. I want to live a way that has always felt right for me.