as white as a dove

heartburn sucks

So I experienced my first heartburn last night! Fun.

Not fun. I was in pain all night. Had to sit up so my chest would stop feeling the acid. My breath was so heavy and fast. My head hurts from the sleep deprivation. I burp and I feel a bit of the pain still. That's what I get from overeating and knowing it yesterday. I ate then went to bed fully knowing how bad my body reacts to that, what was I thinking?

I know I say this all the time to myself, 'I have to get fit!' but this time it's serious. The last time I sincerely felt I needed a change was last year, when someone close to me had a near-death experience due to weight and health habits. I'm a little ashamed that I've gotten to this point. I lost 10kg and gained it all back, twice even. I understand I've been undergoing a ton of big changes in my life since last year but I think given hwere I am now, enough is enough. I need to stop wallowing in my self pity and start to choose wellness.

I went to the grocery store and bought all the fruits and vegetables I know I like, and some whole wheat bread. It's not like I hate food that's good for me, I think since moving I've just wanted to try everything they had that was hard to get back home. Clotted cream is just so delicious, but I guess I'll just have to control myself.

I've been walking more and getting my steps in, so I'm hopeful for that. Tomorrow, I'll go to the gym. I accidentally left my pound coin in the cart from when I bought my fruits, but I guess I'll have to cut my losses.

If you're still reading this, thanks! Remember to take care of yourself.
