as white as a dove

A perfect love casts out all fear

It is said that as a Christian, one must love others as they love themselves. If you do not love yourself, you cannot love others.

I'm quite new to the Bible. I've known Jesus my whole life, heck, I went to Catholic school. I sung church hymns on the ride to and from home. I prayed when I was younger. And yet, all the lessons I've learned about faith I learned through other people. It took more than 2 decades for me to even open up the Bible and seriously read the Word, the source material for it all.

It was strange at first. The book of Job answered some questions and then gave me more, it was like a story that kept me coming back for more. If the Lord wants me to trust in His ways, even if it takes me through the darkest of evils and the lowest of lows, I will follow Him to the end.

Is this all make believe? I don't know. Is it stupid of me to follow Jesus? Maybe. Am I working hard enough to be what He wants me to be? I trust He will tell me when I stray.

All I know is that my life has been so much more beautiful, more vivid, I have seen the world in a way I have never seen before. I hope to see as much as I can of it until I come home.
